What's so good about SUPER DOMINO? Part 1 Original post July 2017
Hello there,
Today I would like to share with you, what's so good about "Super Domino"
Well.... in Super Domino each player often gets to put down two or more cards during a turn.
And since all the cards need to be of the same color during one turn, automatically each card played is a different topic, using the same Target Language.
What Target Language should I use?
What Target Language language you use depends on the level of your students and it can be the same for all cards throughout a game.
With more advanced students, you can assign different Target Language to each border color, using the Color Coded Cards. Assign different Subjects, different Verb Tenses or entirely different Grammar Structures to each color.... But more about that in Part 2.....
In the following 3 videos the student uses the same target language, but gradually adds more information with each video...
If Super Domino is a great game to recycle and internalize previous learned language. It is designed to help your students to get comfortable with going back and forth between various language structures without the stress of having to remember new words while having fun at the same time......
Well... that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!