Memory Game and the Color Codes  Original post May 2017

Hello there,

Here are some ideas on how you can use the Color Coded Cards  to "spice up" Memory Game for more advanced students.

The Color Coded Cards

Using 2 colors:

Pink cards  "Does Mary ___ ___?"

Blue cards  "Does Tom ___ ___?"

Green cards   "Are Tom and Mary  ___ing ?"

Orange cards "Are you ___ing ?"

Pink cards "Are you going to ___ next week?"

Blue cards "Did you ___ last week?"

Using 3 colors

This requires a little more preparation, but it's definitely worth it. And it will keep your students on their toes...

Different Subjects 

Pink cards    "Does Mary want to  ___?" 

Orange cards    "Do you want to  ___?"

Purple cards "Do your friends want to  ___?"

Different Verb Tenses

Pink cards    "Will you  ___ tomorrow?"

Blue cards    "Did you  ___ yesterday?"

Green cards "Are you   ___ ing now?"

You can also use the solid colored cards to assign whatever target language you think is best suitable for your students.

Practicing Adjectives

Pink cards "Do you think that ___ ing is easy/good/interesting?" (positive)

Blue cards "Do you think that ___ ing is difficult/bad/boring?" (negative)

Different Questions

Orange cards  "Do you like to ___?" 

Pink cards       "Are you  ___ing?"

Green cards   "Is  ___ing easy/difficult?"

Different "Time Words"

Orange cards "Did you ___ this morning?" 

Pink cards      "Did you ___ yesterday?"

Green cards   "Did you ___ last Saturday?"

And don't be limited to using only  "Yes" and "No" type answers. Have a look at "Getting Your Students to Make Longer Answers" to Turbo Charge Memory Game AND your students....

Are there more ways to use the color codes?

Yes there are, plenty.... Have a look at the Color Coded Cards page for more ideas on how to use them.

Well, that's it for now....  Thank you for staying till the end and I hope that you found something useful here today.

Until next time!
