"Dealer's Choice" is the best game to start with. It is LMQ's primary teaching game and used to introduce new vocabulary to the students.

After playing "Dealer's Choice" several times, exposing the students dozens of times to the Target Language, they can start using the new vocabulary themselves in the other games.

Once your students feel confident using their new vocabulary, go back to "Dealer's Choice" to introduce the next vocabulary.

Dealer's ChoiceBoard Game and Bingo are the easiest and the most fun for very young learners.  

The ultimate goal of LMQ is for the students to decide their own questions for each card.

So the focus is on internalizing the Target language.

WHAT this target language is, depends on the level of the students.

You can find many examples in the manual, the Game Page and on our LMQ Blog. And of course you can always decide your own target language as you see fit. 

In this video 5th and 6th grade students decide their own questions. (choosing from what they have learned so far)

The reason each Topic card comes in 5 colors is:

1. To give young learners and beginners lots of repetition during a game, so they can internalize the Target language faster.

2. To give more advanced learners the chance to use up to 5 different grammar patterns for each Topic with the help of the Color Coded Cards

The Color Coded Cards are the Real Power behind LMQ. 

You use these cards to teach different Question Types, Verb Tenses, Pronouns and more. They allow you to have up to 5 different grammar patterns for each Topic during a game. 

Yes, you can.

You can decide the Verb Tense for each game.

Or use the Color Coded Cards so you can assign up to 5 different Verb Tenses during a game.

Highest Card is the game you want to use!, 

Besides the basic Yes/No questions, Highest Card lets the players make any kind of question, as long as they are related to the topic.

Questions such as....

How often do you play video games?

How many video games do you have?

Where do you (usually) play video games?

What's your favorite video game?

What kind of video games do you like?

What kind of video games do you have?

Who do you (usually) play video games with?

When was the last time you played a video game?

Why do you like to play video games?

Which game (do you think) is better? A or B?

Since the players are encouraged to make as many questions as they can, Highest Card usually turns into a collection of Mini-Conversations.

Yes, you can.

Put some adjectives on the board for the players to choose from and you are ready to play. (you might have to pre-teach them)

Some samples:

Q. Is doing homework fun?

A. Yes, it is. Doing homework is fun.

A. No, it isn't. Doing homework is boring.


Q. Do you think that doing homework is fun?

A. Yes, I do. I think that doing homework is fun. Doing homework is interesting!

A. No, I don't. I think that doing homework is boring. I think that playing video games is fun.

Yes, there is.

You can add new verbs by making longer answers.

Q. Do you want to play volleyball?

A. No, I don't. I want to practice soccer.

A. No, I don't. I want to buy a comic.

A. No, I don't. I want to clean my bike.

A. No, I don't. I want to take a nap.

A. No, I don't. I want to go shopping for a new smartphone.

Only the rules for the games are decided, the grammar is not. You can change the grammar as you see fit. This is what makes LMQ so flexible and fun to use...

Yes, you definitely can.

You can have students play in pairs, groups or teams.

Games can last from 3 minutes up to 30 minutes. It depends on which game you are playing and with how many people.

But with most games you can also use a timer if needed....