
This board game variation was submitted by Ryan from Ryan's English School... Ryan added "Special Cards" in his version.

* The second variation is including other sets cards. (in this case AGO)  This gives away which are the special cards but as they are face down they still have some element of surprise.  

Plus the cards can be grabbed from the pack quickly if the need to improvise without preparation or postits arises.

(Ryan usually plays the game with 4 or 6 sided dice)

* The first variation is with post-it notes on the back of some of the cards with the forfeit, or bonus, written on.  

Here there is a chance of surprise at every turn.

They only turn and respond to the card they land on, not the ones they pass on the way.

The cards could be standard questions, move back, move forward, or some other action (physical challenges like jumping round the room before the player can continue the game, racing against the other players taking their turns)

I use the 'pick up' cards to either move forwards or backwards depending on how generous I'm feeling or on much time we've got, the 'change direction' cards to change the turns sequence of the dice, and the 'jump' card to skip a turn (either that person, or the next person, or for a physical challenge as mentioned before.


How to play


Some ideas for Advanced Learners



You can order Let's Make Questions online from englishbooks.jp

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